This character-driven, dark comedy revolves around the death of Sister Rose, a nun who was much loved by an uptown neighborhood’s residents.
As the play begins, we discover that Sister Rose’s body has disappeared; the funeral room where the empty casket sits is closed off as a crime scene and the mourners are forced to hang around waiting for news.
Due to these extraordinary circumstances, emotions are running especially high. As the characters wait, they confront each other and themselves about their shared pasts and uncertain futures.
Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis
Directed by Andre Ezeugwu
Sunday, May 15 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The cast includes:
George Seylaz – Gail
Gina Sarno – Marcia/Sonia
Andre Ezeugwu – Rooftop
Nick Pascarella – Balthazar
Chimera Thompson – Inez
Natali Parra – Norca
Patrick Horan – Father Lux
Peter Vaiknoras – Flip
Richard Pearson – Victor/Pinky
Gabriel Drouet – Edwin
While our Readers Theatre events are free, we do accept donations via Venmo, GoFundMe, PayPal, check, or cash. We thank you in advance!
**This show is not suitable for children.**
**Please note all patrons of Nutley Little Theatre must show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test taken within 48 hours of the performance date. Masks are optional. All cast and crew members are vaccinated.*
For more information, please visit